Sunday, 5 February 2012


Today I made sushi.  I made it for lunch for work for the next couple of days.

One of my biggest issues with my new 'healthy eating lifestyle choice' was finding suitable lunch options (you'd be surprised how many calories are in sandwiches!).

I first made this sushi a few weeks ago and deemed it a success.  I tried to make it again during the week after work, but instead of cooking the rice in a saucepan, I tried to cook it in my Tupperware microwave rice cooker.  It didn't work.  The rice was crunchy and too wet, so my rolls went soggy and fell apart.  So today, I went back to cooking the rice in the saucepan and they turned out great!

This recipe has 199 calories plus the soy sauce, so they are a great lunch choice.

I don't put fish in my 'sushi', instead opting for the basic capsicum, carrot and cucumber.  The first time I made them, I also put in some tinned chicken, but decided not to this time as I am still a bit turned off by the idea of tinned chicken...  I think next time I might be brave and try some wasabi.

Looking forward to lunchtime tomorrow (and Tuesday)  :)


  1. They look YUMMY Gen!! Lunch at your place next visit...I'll bring the Caprioskas!!!!

  2. You're welcome for lunch any time! xx
