Sunday, 17 February 2013

Loki's Lacquer - I'm Too Rich To Be Kidnapped!

Today we have another absolute cracker of an indie polish.

Here is the other Loki's Lacquer that has recently been added to my collection.

I'm Too Rich To Be Kidnapped has a variety of different size pink glitters in a shimmery pink base.

In this pic I have layered it over two coats of Essie Lion Around, but I reckon it would look awesome over many other colours too, such as black, purple and white.

I am super impressed with the quality of this brand of Aussie indie.  I am already scouring their etsy page trying to decide which lovelies I will add to my collection!

Loki's Lacquer is available through their etsy page, with minis retailing for $5 and full size retailing for just $9.

I highly recommend you check them out!


PS For those that are wondering why my photos have been of my right hand lately, well, I have had the world's biggest break on my ring finer on my left hand.  It was growing back rather nicely (thanks Duri!), but then it broke AGAIN - like not snapped, but split/peeled right down on the smile line.  Fingers crossed Duri continues to work its magic quite quickly!

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