I love the Christmas carols playing at the shops (when they're played at Christmas time. Not in October...). I love going to see the Christmas lights. I love seeing the excitement in my students' faces and making Christmas crafts in the classroom. I love seeing the look on my family's faces when they open their presents. I love buying heaps of cheap Christmas decorations from Dollars and Sense and making my flat look like a Christmas elf exploded.
But most of all I love the food.
Our Christmas spread for last year.
I love sitting down with my dad a couple of months before Christmas and deciding what we are going to cook.
Every year it is usually the same - ham (sometimes glazed), plain turkey (for mum), pork with pineapple glaze, crackling, potato salad and pasta salad. We usually always have trifle for dessert and savoury pastries for breakfast.
In 2010 we set ourselves a mission to make a WHOLE turkey. It was deemed successful. Yum!
Last year, Dad took on the glazed ham and added a unique touch by also making a mango chutney to complement the ham. I took on the challenge of making the pork with pineapple glaze. It was HEAPS easier than I thought it would be and it turned out AMAZING.
In fact, the whole day was amazing.
Our Christmas day table setting. I bought cheap melamine plates from Woolies and used scrapbooking paper for placemats. Cheap and effective.
My cute (and cheap) Christmas tree with our presents.
Bella in her cute Christmas outfit she got from my gorgeous friend Katie.
I can't wait until Christmas!